About HoC
Fashion is important, but true style is personal to you. House of Colour can help you to look fabulous and radiate confidence in the colours and shapes that suit you as an individual. Let’s face it, you know when you look amazing. Your face lights up, your eyes sparkle and everyone pays you compliments. Actually, that’s the real you. We can make you feel amazing every single day.
Get ready for the compliments. Colour analysis takes your natural colouring and equips you with the knowledge and confidence to look fabulous - effortlessly, every single day.
"What colours suit me"
The one that lights up your face and makes you look gorgeously vibrant and healthy? A HoC colour consultation will give you a whole spectrum of them - a season of colours that naturally harmonise with your unique skin tone and eye colour.
And then we’ll take it further. Your colour consultant will find the `wow’ colours within your season, those with the most impact for you personally. We won’t have to convince you. You’ll see the difference for yourself, instantly - a rainbow of colours that match perfectly with you.
- You’ll look fresher, younger, with a naturally radiant glow.
- You’ll feel more confident, alive to new possibilities. You’ll just know that you look great.
- Getting dressed in the morning becomes quick and easy.
- Shopping will be a breeze. No more wasting money on the "bargain" you never wear.
- Your whole wardrobe will be co-ordinated . Mix and match, it’s guaranteed to go together.
Don’t worry, you won’t have to throw out all your clothes and make-up. We can help you make small changes to look and feel amazing with what you already have. What’s more, we’ll never tell you what to do. Learning at your own pace, you’ll gain life-changing colour expertise that gives you confidence from the outside in. Then follow up with the other part of the jigsaw……

Treat yourself to confidence that lasts a lifetime. Book a class with your nearest personal stylist today.
Have you ever stood in front of your packed wardrobe thinking "I’ve nothing to wear"? Do you waste countless hours shopping for clothes, worrying that the latest fashion isn’t really... you?
In just one stress-free, enjoyable day House of Colour can stop you feeling lost and confused about your wardrobe. You'll leave with the confident, life-changing ability to know exactly which clothes make you look fabulous - just you, the person you are now.
Ideally, you'll be building on the revelation of HoC colour analysis. But this class is an eye-opener on its own. Here's what you’ll learn:
- Your own personal style. The shapes that flatter your body, affordable styles that capture your personality. After all, none of us are supermodels and we all have a clothes budget.
- You’ll learn the language of clothes - the confident ability to express your individuality and send the right messages through a range of styles and looks.
- Creating a capsule wardrobe. Effortless style, fewer clothes. Getting dressed in the morning will be a joy.
- How to spend wisely. Never again will you waste money on that ill-advised "bargain".
- The secrets of buying and wearing accessories. Using key pieces to make a style statement that’s entirely your own.
House of Colour personal styling classes take place all over the world. They’re small, friendly and very relaxed. And they’re run by the most thoroughly trained, highly qualified personal stylists.

Treat yourself to confidence that lasts a lifetime. Find your nearest personal stylist now.
"Imagine if people you've never met before say, 'You look amazing', or, 'Wow, life’s going well for you!' If these things come from complete strangers, they change what you feel about yourself on the inside. It’s incredibly powerful."
Helen had her colours done soon after her third son was born. She was feeling exhausted and very low. Yet within a decade she'd become a personal stylist, trainer and Managing Director of the whole company. "It's rewarding, life enhancing and very exciting!"
Read how colour unlocked Helen's potential
Managing Director
Claire Bannister undertook her career at House of Colour in 2014 after leaving the Financial services sector. She soon became the No 1 Uk stylist and ran a successful franchise business in Upminster, Essex.
In 2020, in the midst of a pandemic she took over as Head of Training and then in May 2021 she took her position as Managing Director. Claire is focusing of supporting the organisation through some key brand evolution work with the clear drive and vision of where we will be in ten years time.
‘House of Colour gets in your blood. The power of our services changed my life as a client and to lead our amazing team of stylists who also deliver these services is the best job in the world’

Marcus King
Financial and Operational Director
I have worked as a Finance and Operations Director across many different industries ranging from Film and Television through to Technology and Retail and Recruitment and many in between. But my role at House of Colour UK and USA is by far the most enjoyable, because of the people and the passion they have for helping people.
We continue on our growth path with many exciting plans for the future. If you want to chat sport as well as work then you know who to contact.

Non-Executive Director
"In the Cornish, Methodist farming community where I grew up, dressing appropriately for ‘work’ meant keeping your best clothes for Sundays, making it hard to dress for work as a business graduate in a modern corporate environment.” For Jackie, it has been a revelation. Training as a personal stylist in 2002, she built a successful business, became a coach, trainer, public speaker and Director, including HOC in Business. “But I’m only ‘a farmer’s daughter’, I had no clue whether I could do it” As for keeping ‘best’ for Sundays? “Personal brand is the key to looking, feeling and performing at your best - everyday.”

Non-Executive Director
"I was busy being Corporate Woman. Then the light bulb went on." Diana Blakeman had worked in finance for 30 years. Then she went to a House of Colour talk about professional image. "It was amazing. After it was over, I went up to the stylist and said, 'I'd love to do your job'. She said two words, 'You can'." Twelve years on, Diana is still delighted with her decision. When she's not seeing clients or sitting on the board, she's stopping the traffic in her favourite shade of turquoise!
Read Diana's story
Hannah Mould
Executive Assistant to the Managing Director