From loungewear to Christmas sparkle

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From loungewear to Christmas sparkle  

A new way of coming together has been shaped; this Christmas we will have to be a little more creative to be together with our loved ones and share some special moments.  Apps such as Zoom, Facetime and Houseparty have become invaluable.  If Covid-19 has taught us anything it is to be grateful for technology so we are able to continue feeling connected to those we hold close to our heart.   

However, it may be tempting to throw on comfy clothes (which is sometimes a great idea) – especially after that extra roast potato or piece of Christmas pud!  On the flip side; you could use this as an opportunity to dress up, put some lipstick on and feel great.   

Just this weekend I had the opportunity to see the London Christmas lights in the back of a ‘black cab’ with my family bubble.  I could have worn anything as who was really going to see me.  However, I choose to dress up in a sparkly jumper in one of my WOW colours and put that lippy on.  I can’t tell you how much it lifted my spirits.  It was wonderful to make that special effort and feel good in what I was wearing.  It’s a great time to start planning your Christmas day outfits and here are a few of my tips below

• Don’t forget your lipstick Adding a pop of colour can make all the difference. Grab a lipstick in a shade that suits your natural colouring and it will quickly and easily elevate your look.  You can contact me for personalised recommendations.   

• No party outfit is complete without an accessory. Add a ‘point of interest’ with items such as necklaces, scarves and earrings. These little touches will make your look more put together. 

• If you are meeting virtually, avoid wearing busy small patterns on camera. These can quickly become an eye sore for others. Instead try colour blocking in one of your wow colours to make an impact.  

• Blusher and bronzer will make your face glow  Now this isn’t ground breaking but adding some colour to your face will highlight your cheek bones and make you look healthy combating any camera-induced sallowness. 

• Knowing your colours and personal style makes getting dressed up easy. No more panicking or worrying about whether an outfit suits you or reflects who you are. Going through your wardrobe should be an enjoyable and fun experience and if it isn’t please get in touch with me and we can find those hidden gems and discover what you are missing.   

Sparkle this Christmas!With love, ‘Your Style Fairy Godmother'   

Claire Mathews Regional Manager image consultant and personal stylist for Southend / Rayleigh
07500 831986