Outfit Inspiration on Zoom.

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December 2021 News

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This lovely lady came to me recently worrying about what to wear on her Zoom call with some new clients and wanted to make a fabulous impression. A half an hour online session with me got her to pay attention to what was already in her wardrobe and how she could easily use it for this meeting.  I picked a great colour jumper for her, and an accessory out of her already existing collection, and gave some quick makeup tips to get her into that all important confident place. 

It worked brilliantly. She was delighted and sent me this picture. Creating that joy for my clients in a gentle and encouraging way is an essential and important part of what I want to achieve in my job as a stylist.  A perfectly assembled wardrobe of clothes, with only clothes that fit, are a pleasure to wear, and are an extension of you and your personality.   This might spark that sudden sense of excitement, when you picture that perfectly coordinated wardrobe and then, that sudden feeling of overwhelm hits and you wonder how you will actually achieve it.   

Here are a few of my tips below: 

❤ Appreciate what you already have.  Does the item spark joy and make you feel good? 

❤ Get organised.  Put a date in your diary to make it happen.

❤ Are there items that need altering? Take them out and hang them in a separate space just for alterations.

❤ Buy good quality hangers

❤ Start identifying the gaps

❤ Make a shopping/wish list

If you need help with outfit inspiration, zoom meetings or have wardrobe struggles please DM or email: claire.mathews@houseofcolour.co.uk