Styling your Christmas parties!

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Have your Christmas parties and entertaining started in full ernest? Are you having those 'Oh gosh what am I going to wear to that function' dilemas? Well, stress not. 

The first thing you need to REMEMBER is you don't need half a dozen dresses for each event - you just need to mix and match to create the illusion of different looks!

Try this year NOT to wear black if that is your go-to staple. Everyone wears black and I hate to break the 'black myth' but it ISN'T slimming!

If you've had your colours analysed and you know what your very best 'WOW' colours are - those you can wear head to toe and really make people say "WOW", then try a dress & trouser/skirt & top combination in those colours - it WILL make you look slimmer, as well as feel fantastic!

So you have your party dress ready. What will help you change up the look of the dress so you can wear it to several diferent parties, in the guise of a completely new outfit is...... ACCESSORIES.

Accessories are so underplayed in our wardrobes, unless of course you are a hopeless romantic like me, and have a cabinet full of accessories!

DON'T panic. You don't have to adorn all parts of your body with necklaces, braclets, broaches, hair clips, bags, scarves, gamerous shoes etc....... You just need to choose wisley and in accordance with your personality. Those with more 'romantic' in them will wear lots of jewels and sparkles maybe. Those with a more 'Natural' clothing personality will maybe just go for one or two accessories - a bag and earrings perhaps.


The most obvious accessories are your party bags. These are the simplest way to the change the look of your outfit. My favourite finds this season have been in Zara. TK Max is always a good bet for a resonably priced evening bag. For House of Colour winters & springs (bright, light & vivid), go for a contrasting coloured or sequined bag.

For Autums & Summers (soft & muted) if contrasting is too much find a tonal bag or a neutral colour from your palette

INVEST IN...... a great statement pair of earrings (if you are small boned keep them proportionate to your size). Statement earrings work well if you have a higher neckline too and you don't want to wear a necklace. Keep either your eyes or lips bold!

Rings, braclets, necklaces are the traditional accessories we tend to think off and these work well. Remember to choose the right metal for your skin tone & seasons or coloured beads & jewels in your colour palette.

SHOE CLIPS..... can transform your day time office shoes into FABULOUS evening shoes. You can get shoe clips on-line in ebay, Amazon and also in John Lewis. Check out Amanda's Accessories on Facebook for a great choice of shoes clips & other accessories.

WRAPS/FUR STOLES...... Add instant glamour with a fur lined wrap or poncho. I honeslty can't rate these accessorise highy enough. And don't just keep them for the party season, they can be used all year rouund!

Finally, don't forget you can add clips and hairbands/hair accessories to liven up your hair style this season. Again Zara has a great selection of hair accessories with sparkles, jewels, velvet and more........

So by switching around your accessories this season, it is possible to take one or two dresses to a number of different functions and no-one will be any the wiser. They will just be admiring your accessories and 'put together, effortlessley chic' look!

Have a great Christmas party season. Stay colourful. Stay Stylish and enjoy!

Judi x