What have my clients learnt this year?
December 2021 News
What valuable things have my clients learnt this year which will stand them in good stead for the future?
I thought that I would end this year with a few fun facts to round up the things which have helped my clients. Clearly their level of knowledge has grown and they are all now using the style tips, and colour knowledge to dress for themselves. And most importantly, to look and feel great.
When I put out a poll asking people to let me know what their learning has been, this is what they replied.
1. I've learnt the vaule of a half-tuck aka a French tuck!
This is a really useful way of adding definition to your waist if you can't easily wear a belt. Some people dislike belts or have a high waist which, when defined, can throw off their proportions. A French tuck can look like you have made an effort, have created a waist and yet still look stylishly casual.
2. I’ve learned from you that a well-chosen capsule wardrobe can be empowering and fun
A capsule wardrobe will mix and match easily and can be adapted for any occasion. It is worth creating one of your own to try this out. Start with a minimal amount of items and just see how many outfits you can create. Or create a capsule wardrobe for each season of the year to give you plenty of options to play with. Capsule wardrobes are also fabulous for holiday packing!
3. I have learnt how the right colours can make your face look slimmer!
We know that this is just one of the amazing benefits of wearing the right colours. If you wear the best colours for your complexion right under your chin, you will look well, healthy, younger, bright and, as my client discovered, slimmer. Try it and see! Some colours drag you down but others (the right ones for you) lift you up.
4. I learnt that I do like brighter colours and I don't have to wear navy all the time. And that brighter colours in splashes are more effective on me than a huge amount.
So much of this can depend as much on your personality as on your colour profile... some people are very happy to wear lots of bright and colourful clothes, while others feel that that makes them look too much like a children's TV presenter. We can wear our colours tonally or just add an accent of colour to make a statement. The above comment about navy applies equally to black, and when people discover other better neutrals, it becomes easier to relegate those darker colours to play a supporting role rather than the main part in our outfils.
5. I've learnt to embrace my wow neutrals and add a splash of colour
If you like brighter colours, it can be too easy to stick with them, but our neutrals are what ground our outfils and make them look more classy and stylish. Once you embrace your neutrals you realise what power they hold. Try working your outfit from a base of neutrals and then adding in one or two additional colours.
6. I’ve learnt so much... like how to move past clothes that are not for me.
Many of us are drawn to clothes that look good on others, or which appeal to us. When we look at them objectively on our bodies, they may not be our best look, yet somehow we can't let go. A style class helps you to change your mindset so that you are more objective about what does and doesn't work for you.
In my client's own words: "it makes shopping so much easier once you know how you can accessorise and 'put your armour on' for the day. I love doing this - it makes me feel complete and well put-together. I've learnt what colours are good for me and what styles work for me. And to dress how I want to - to embrace me, basically.
I like to be in dresses but felt like I should be in trousers to fit in with everyone else, so I didn't wear many dresses. Now that I know dresses really express who I am, I dress to please me, and only me, so I wear dresses regardless of what others are doing!!"
I think that sums it all up, don't you?
Have a wonderful Christmas - during the break, why not try out some of these tips for yourselves, or book to see me if you need to add to, or refresh, your own learning.
Ring me on 07790 653669 or email me on linda.clark@houseofcolour.co.uk
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