What makes you smile? World Smile Day October 4th
December 2021 News

So, what does make you smile?
Today, 4th October is World Smile Day. It’s a special day to remind us of the value of a simple smile and act of kindness, but we all have many other reasons to be happy, every other day.
When you are on the beach, and see children building sandcastles, or jumping in and out of the waves, how does that make you feel? When the sun suddenly shines after a particularly rainy spell, that’s enough to put a smile on the face of most of us Brits! Or perhaps you see an old couple walking hand-in-hand along a street and you feel so moved by their love, it lights you up inside. The list is endless and varies from person to person...
The things that make me smile will not be those that touch you, but I suggest that most things that you smile about are visual. Smiles are infectious - when you receive one, you want to pass it on.
Let me tell you what makes me smile
I work with people who are usually at sea about which clothes suits them best: I find their best colours and styles. When they leave, we have found the colours which make their eyes sparkle and their skin glow. I use material drapes around someone’s neck in right and wrong colours. Once people are draped in their ‘wow’ colours, their eyes light up, and they stroke the drapes with sheer pleasure. They smile; I smile back; they smile more. The sense of joy and happiness is palpable.
When someone finds their signature style, and they experience that lightbulb moment when all the elements of their body shape and personality come together, again their eyes light up and they experience a great sense of release. They have permission to be themselves – to dress their authentic, true self. That makes me smile with joy! My job is done, and they can go home and implement what they’ve learned. Every day they will feel real pleasure in opening their wardrobe and planning some fabulous outfits from what they see in there.
My happy day
One winter I was unwell with a terrible cold and a bright red, streaming nose. At a business networking meeting I had on my brown business jacket, so to lift my mood I added a scarf and opaque tights in burnt orange. People smiled when I stood up to deliver my elevator pitch and remembered me for the colours, rather than for my red nose! I smiled too, because although I felt ill, my mood had been improved by my clothes. If you want to be remembered for the right reasons, wear your best colours and style.
Let’s create a colourful, cheerful world
When we wear colours in a world where most people are wearing black, grey or navy, we smile and feel happy. Did you know that a smile releases dopamine and serotonin, which make us feel good? Let’s create a bond, no matter how fleeting, with complete strangers, because we are feeling great about how we look. Smiles are infectious, and this is one infection that we want to pass on!
If you’d like to find out more about what I do, look out for my next blog. You can contact me any time to book a session: email linda.clark@houseofcolour.co.uk or phone 07790 653669.
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