
At the end of this session you will know which colours are your wow colours, the ones that make you glow and shine, the ones that bring confidence and compliments! You will also leave knowing the make-up colours that make you look fabulous. You will never have to shop wondering, "Does that colour suit me?" ever again.

1-2-1 Exclusive Price: £230 RRP

If you would like to share your experience with friends then just ask the Stylist for discounted group rates.

(Prices may vary depending on location and time)


You’ll see the difference instantly. That magical moment when a colour lights up your face, makes your skin glow and your eyes sparkle. That moment will be the start of a deep natural confidence that stays with you forever.

First, you’ll find out which season’s colours naturally harmonise with your individual skin tone (spring, summer, autumn or winter).  Your colour consultant will identify your personal best, the “WOW” colours that will always give you that radiant, gorgeous glow.  No colour will be excluded.  It’s all about finding the right tone.  We’ll never tell you what to do. You may already know your colours, but we guarantee a far wider choice than you ever thought possible.  You’ll leave the session with a whole palette of colours that make you look wonderful and feel confident.

HoC colour consultations take place in the UK, Ireland, Netherlands, Greece, France, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, USA .  They can be in small groups which are friendly and enormously good fun.  Or on a one to one exclusive basis. And they’re run by the most thoroughly trained, highly qualified personal stylists available.

Give yourself a treat that lasts. When you leave you can tell your friends "I have my own Personal Stylist now"  Find your nearest personal stylist now.


You’ll see the difference instantly. That magical moment when a colour lights up your face, makes your skin glow and your eyes sparkle. That moment will be the start of a deep natural confidence that stays with you forever.

  • First, you’ll find out which season’s colours naturally harmonise with your individual skin tone (spring, summer, autumn or winter).
  • Your colour consultant will identify your personal best, the “star colours” that will always give you that radiant, gorgeous glow.  
  • No colour will be excluded.  It’s all about finding the right tone.
  • We’ll never tell you what to do. You may already know your colours, but we guarantee a far wider choice than you ever thought possible.  
  • You’ll leave the session with a whole palette of colours that make you look wonderful and feel confident.
  • HoC colour consultations  take place in the UK, Greece, France, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, USA & Australia.  They’re small, friendly and enormously good fun. And they’re run by the most thoroughly trained, highly qualified personal stylists available.

Give yourself a treat that lasts. Find your nearest personal stylist now. 

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