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Client from Greece

Magda changed my life. I don't really know how she did it I said 'I don't wear make-up' she said 'just try this lipstick' now I wear lipstick every day. I said 'I don't wear jewellery' and now I find myself thinking -well yes of course this would look better with a necklace. We talked colours then style I listened and the change began. Now I have had to learn to take a compliment not just one but lots! My confidence has grown and I enjoy my clothes. Every time someone says something nice, I smile and say "Thank you", but inside I say "Thank You Magda”.

Georgina from Ireland

Thank you so much for such an enjoyable day. I felt so at ease and it was such an eye opening experience, I love that I now know what colours suit me best and I look forward to going through my wardrobe. I'm going to link up with the Facebook pages for inspiration and help getting started, its another exciting step into the future me. You are an inspiration yourself in your beautiful autumn colours.

Susan from Ireland

Just mind-blowing and amazing! I'll feel bullet proof at the all male executive team and table in my new role! I've worn my colours and lipstick today and feel amazing. Thanks again, anything that will minimise self doubt and increase impact is worth investing in and I'm a convert!

Catherine from Devon

"My consultant's knowledge of colours and clothes is inspiring. I felt listened to and truly comfortable in her care and expertise. What an invaluable afternoon. I've left with a toolbox for life, knowing that I can empower myself, make the most of my natural colours and make positive changes to the way I view myself. Why would you not want to do this? Thank you very, very much."

Claire from Huddersfield

"Although I was looking forward to this session being informative, I underestimated how positive it would make me feel. My consultant made me feel relaxed and spent time explaining the concept and ensuring I was comfortable with the outcomes. Her actions truly represented House of Colour as I have now been talking to everyone about it!"

Ann from Co Monaghan

"Excellent. Before the course I thought the fee was expensive. After the course I felt that it was the best money I had spent on myself in recent years."

Joanne from Sheffield

"I had such an amazing life changing day!!! Sounds crazy to say that because it's only picking out colours (to someone who doesn't know), but really it changes everything about how you show yourself to the rest of the world!"

Liz from Bournemouth

"Just had a House of Colour consultation and all I can say is...unbelievable! I was so impressed by my consultant's knowledge and expertise, and the way she explained everything so well. She put me at my ease and was just lovely. And she doesn't impose or tell you what to do, she is very encouraging and empowering. I really wish I had done this years ago and one of the biggest compliments I can pay my consultant is that she made me, a 57 year old who was really thinking that there was little I could do, feel really pretty."

Peter, Economic Consultant and Professional Speaker

"I now know that I am dressed right for any meeting, for speaking to any audience - perfect colours, perfect style for my personality, pitched right for the people I am trying to impress. An enormous boost to the confidence of one of nature's scruffs. And it cost me nothing - I got my money back next day by not buying the expensive suit the salesman was trying to foist onto me."

Georgia from London

"As someone who used to only wear black, my experience of Colour and Style analysis with House of Colour was life-changing. My consultant was extremely knowledgeable and made the whole experience really enjoyable. Knowing what colours work for me has given me a sense of confidence in the way I present myself. I particularly like House of Colour’s lipsticks and love playing around with the different Autumn colours. They are long lasting and have a smooth feel. I’ve had many compliments on the no.5 Rust."